Monday, November 9, 2009

Llegué en Sevilla!!!

So after a wonderful week in Italy, I arrived in Sevilla. My host family here rocks! They have two boys 11 and 17. The 11 year old is named Jorge, Sean and I (other student living here) hang out with him a lot. We practice Spanish; he practices English and shows us his video games as he wins them. It’s so much fun, like having a little brother who is so much younger than you that you don’t fight. Anyway, as some of you may know my host family in Barcelona was a little different, I was more of a border without the ability to do anything in the house but here I am part of the family. I’m actually sitting in the living room chatting with Jorge as I write this blog. Today he was practicing The First Noel on his recorder so I was letting him listen to the full US version on Itunes as he had never heard it before. Jorge also loves all of the music I liked in middle school and freshman year of HS. Blackstreet, Gansta’s Paradise, Snoop Dogg, etc it’s pretty entertaining like a flashback to those days. The school in Sevilla is different, the classes are a little slower (not a fan) but they have a lot more activities throughout the day to work on your Spanish. I actually am starting an extra 1.5 hour class this week for more practice along with the other activities. It’s helping my Spanish improve very quickly. Now I just need to learn the future tense and I will be doing well. This month is a film festival in Sevilla so I am watching a lot of Spanish movies. Let me just say the Spanish take movies seriously, as in all they produce are serious thought provoking movies, which I tend to leave a little sad. They don’t quite get the whole light hearted concept but still I am enjoying them.

The other thing I have discovered here is Flamenco! It is amazing, no pictures as they are too hard to capture however, I do have videos so if you want to see some dancing I’ll show you when I return. I have actually taken over 1200 pictures since I’ve arrived. Do not expect me to sit down and show you all 1200 as that is ridiculous. I will print out highlights and best pics to have to talk about but if you want to see all 1200 you can watch a slide show on my computer. I’m holding off on the touristy items in Sevilla until Ashley arrives(6 days away!) and when the family arrives (13 days away!) as I figure it will be fun to discover some of that with them. I can’t wait for my next visitors; it should be a good time. I’ll put up pictures then of Sevilla for everyone to see. Along with a few stories, as apparently my brother feels I will be the klutz on the Segway, not my mother. It’s not cool man!

1 comment:

  1. Finally, I find out how to send a comment! Spanish movies...hmmm. Well, 478 hours from now I will be on a plane to Spain. I CANNOT wait. MOMS
