Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Random Things about Spain....

Ok, many people want more blogs. Its hard people, some days I have plans that start right after school and then in the evenings homework. Other days it’s just hot and I’m tired with no wit to write. But in response to the request, I’m entering 2 blogs today and will try to be more diligent. By the way, I’ll have you know I’m already beginning to write half words in Spanish because I’m starting to think in Spanish. So if some words look weird it’s probably just the Spanish version that I mentally missed correcting. But hey that was the whole goal of being here. Okay, here are a few differences from the states that I have seen so far.
1. Beaches – Bananahamics are everywhere and normal. I have to keep reminding myself of this as when I go to the beach with people, I can tap them and go look at that! Also the Europeans are much more open as in all beaches have woman topless and mind you they will get up and go order a drink topless or whatever. Also kids run around naked or topless as well. They have showers to get the salt water off and you can easily walk by and see a 6 or 7 year old naked showering. I automatically think – crap what if there are perverted adults around and you are just parading your kids around naked. But it is incredibly normal.
2. Air Conditioning – please appreciate all the nice wonderful cold air you are sitting in. I miss it so much. It’s in the high 80s/low 90s here and where there is AC it is a sorry excuse. While if you stay in the shade it’s pretty tolerable, heading down into the metro is like walking into a sauna.
3. Water – I think what I miss the most is a hot shower with strong water pressure. There are notes up all over the house requesting that you only take one shower and that it be fairly quick. There are threats that if you take many showers or long showers the owners are allowed to time your showers. The reason for this is because how quickly the water pressure goes out. We have 5 students at the house now and we must take showers at least 30 minutes apart. If 2 of us accidently shower at the same time there is literally a tiny dribble of water. When that happens to me with my thick hair with shampoo in it, what a mess. I had my first hot shower with great water pressure today in a week and half. Turns out the German guy (not a fan) has been taking about 4 showers a day which is why we’ve had no water pressure. I believe that was fixed yesterday.
4. Fanny Packs are apparently fashionable here. They have all missed the memo that the style has left. I can’t tell you how many groups I see with every person in a fanny pack. From the gaudy sequin ones, to LV, to whatever you can imagine.

My Spanish is improving day by day. I can understand a lot more of the conversations around me. I have a test tomorrow to see if I’m ready to promote to the next Spanish level. I really hope so because right now I can only speak in the present tense and that’s incredibly limiting. Okay I’m heading to the Picasso Museum today, I hope it’s more enjoyable than MirĪŒ…….


  1. Nice to see you are finally sharing some details! How much longer in Barcelona before traveling to Seville??


  2. Fanny Packs <- yes I am a fan...
